Archive for the Society Category

Cockroaches lose sweet tooth to survive – Evolution rocks!

Posted in Society on 26/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

Even cockroaches do better with poison, than us.

We simply cannot accept this anymore

Posted in Culture, Democracy, Economy, Government, politics, Religion, Revolution, Society with tags , , , on 18/05/2013 by Living out of Eden


Judeo-Christian tradition, and so is preached by the Catholic Church, sustains the belief that each newly born human being, carries with her/him a sin she/he has not committed; judged guilty even before they start breathing. Just for being alive.

Governments are setting up a system by which, each newly born human being, has a debt she/he hasn’t asked for, and that will bond her/him to commitments she/he hadn’t consent, just for having been born.


La tradición Judeo-cristiana, y así lo predica la Iglesia Católica, sostiene la creencia de que cada ser humano recién nacido, trae consigo un pecado que no cometió, es culpable, aún sin siquera haber empezado a respirar. Únicamente por vivir.
Los gobiernos están montando un sistema por el cual, cada humano recién nacido, trae consigo una deuda que no contrajo, y que lo atará a compromisos no asumidos por él, únicamente por haber nacido.


Posted in current events, Democracy, Government, politics, Power, Society, Violence, war with tags , , , on 17/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

Aprovecho la circunstancia de la “desaparición sin vida” de JRV, para recapitular un poco.

Las coincidentes dictaturas militares en toda Latinoamérica en la década de los 70’s no eran casualidad, sino que todas ellas respondían a una estrategia de formación durante los años de la Guerra Fría, bajo la Doctrina de la Seguridad Nacional, para combatir en el propio territorio de cada país, al terrorismo comunista. Esta formación se impartió en la “Escuela de las Américas”.

No habrá datos (quién los tenga que los aporte) de si el terrorismo interno, fue o no financiado por los mismos poderes, pero lo cierto que bajo la excusa de la lucha armada, estas dictaduras eran el brazo armado de políticas conservadoras y neo-liberales, que en ningún modo se hubieran podido imponer en contextos democráticos.

Por ello, las fuerzas que impulsaban estas dictaduras, siguen presentes y de ninguna manera podemos pensar que rige aquello de “muerto el perro se acabó la rabia”, ahora bajo mecanismos mucho más sutiles de “pseudo-democracias”.


Not yours

Posted in Crisis, Culture, current events, Democracy, Economy, Government, Macro-economy, politics, self-managed, Society with tags on 16/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

Not your

Can’t sleep …

Posted in Crisis, Democracy, Economy, Government, politics, Power, Revolution, Society with tags , , , on 15/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

Could you kindly explain to me why is it that kings and queens of modern european parliamentary monarchies, refer to their respective people as “citizens”, and not what they really are, i.e.: “subjects”?



Posted in Behaviour, Crisis, Democracy, Government, Philosophy, politics, Power, Religion, self-managed, Society, Technology with tags , , on 10/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

Disk Defrag

Not so long ago, I came up with the idea that our society (and here, please consider “society” as broad as you can, meaning every single human being on Earth, and the resulting total of all of us), should undergo a process of “de-fragmentation”.

Yes, like we were bits and Bytes, spread all over the Hard Disk, and that we should start the tool running at once, so we could slowly form homogeneous groups, with common interests, with common aims. The groups once identified, would be put together in the cyberspace, like in Social Media groups, or blogging “space”, so they could process information much faster and more effectively.

Historically, we (bits and Bytes) have been split in different sectors of the HD, and didn’t even get to know there were other b&B similar to each one of us. We could not even imagine one day we could form these “groups”.  So in fact, a new social process is taking place, when people meet “digitally”, and share experiences, thoughts, emotions, etc.

Could this lead to a complete defrag of the HD? Could we lead this “application” or “tool” by ourselves? Do we need any order of “Run” from the System to start defragging?

Well, I have to be honest: some days I’m positively sure about it, some days I just hope so, some I fall in deep disappointment.

Today, I am in one of the latter ones.

In the roller-coaster, it’s the turn of full-throttle-skepticism, and I feel we are immersed in hypocrisy, looking for beautiful words of wisdom, to get yourself going, to strive in your aims while, the truth be told, just try and put your head down, that it will be seconds before you’ll feel a foot pressing down.

Is it maybe, that our society is far more rigid than a HD containing digital information to be put together?

Could it be that we form a giant book, in which we are letters that form sentences, then paragraphs, then chapters, and finally a full story? Because if so, then those in Chapter I, would never make it to meet the ones that have been printed on the last page. Even more, you wouldn’t get the chance to even meet those above or below yourself on the same page. We are all fixed in our minimal portion of sheet of paper.

And if so, do we make any sense together?

Has anyone written us all?

Do we convey any message when read in conjunction?

No, no. Allow me today to be as skeptic as I can. We are not a beautiful story.

We are merely a Scrabble box, where all the letters are mixed together, and only come to form words that make sense, if some players decide to play.  Which is no good news either, for even when put together, we might just come across with what? maybe two or three more words, best case scenario? Could we try to form any words on our own? Could we somehow agree on which our message ought to be?

I distrust anyone that lived beyond their 40s.

No one completely honest and truly committed to humanism, could make it too far in their lives, just think of JFK, John Lennon, even Jesus Christ. Do some research and you’ll find amazing (as well as scary) results.

Stop fooling yourself: the world is wonderful, but just as long as you manage to forget (or conceal) you have to kill someone everyday to survive.

Until the day it will be you the one to get busted.

Market Dinosaur Meme

Posted in Culture, Democracy, Economy, Ethics, Government, Philosophy, politics, Power, Revolution, Society with tags , , on 09/05/2013 by Living out of Eden


If a free market is the ideal status, where no intervention from outside is required and/or desired, and all its members have equal opportunities, and the outcome is nothing but a result, then we could conclude that free market would be the best example of what we call “anarchy”.

If market can regulate itself, then why couldn’t society do so too???????

What about us???

Posted in Culture, History, Philosophy, Religion, Revolution, Society with tags , , on 07/05/2013 by Living out of Eden


and then…

Human beings                         200.000 years

This sounds to me like it takes 13.770.000.000 years for chance to come up with something like “intelligent life”, rather than the time it took a God to decide to create Man.

It’s not that difficult to assume we are one more surviving accident of the Universe, and our presence in its history is, from the Universal point of view, absolutely irrelevant.



The End

Posted in Crisis, current events, Democracy, Evolution, politics, Power, Society, Violence, war on 06/05/2013 by Living out of Eden

It won’t happen that way. They won’t come all of a sudden, from one day to the other. They are wise and clever, so as to do such thing.

You won’t have military or police forces kicking your doors down, to arrest you, and your family. They will not burn your books. They will not fire laser beams from outer space. They will not trigger a WWIII. All those are too blunt tactics, but mostly, they know they would be putting at risks their own lives.

No, it will be more subtle, more imperceptible.
In fact, it has already started, without too many noticing it yet.

One day, as it has happened to too many already, you will find it difficult to pay your mortgage. Then, your economy will shrink slightly more, and you won’t be able to pay for the oil/gas of your car. You will have to sell both, your house and your car, and see yourself having to rent an appartment, and travel by public transport. Nothing of your own. I know, there are millions of people that have been living that way for years, but not you.

Then it will be Education. No more free public education. You’ll have to work like a slave just for your kids to learn barely, to read and write. Same with your health. After that, you will be left with no tap water, unless you pay (considerable sums) for it.

And you will have no option, you won’t be able to have a B Plan, i.e.: escaping to the woods and seek for your own sustenance, for it will already be forbidden and illegal. You will have to even pay for every second of your life.

What will be your choices then? You’ll be free to survive, or free to die.

In fact, that’s exactly what the Bible says, isn’t it?


Posted in Culture, current events, Democracy, Government, politics, Revolution, self-managed, Society, Technology with tags , on 05/05/2013 by Living out of Eden


– Look, I’ve been thinking of developing a platform to build up a social network, through which people can share stuff…. What do you think?

– Well that’s an amazing idea…!!!! But don’t you think that it would be a bit dangerous that people could potentially get connected all over the world? Wouldn’t we be giving them a “too” strategic tool?

– Potentially, yes. But we shouldn’t worry. Exception made of a bunch of lunatics, people are either too scared of getting in contact with strangers, either too busy in their own business.

– You’re damn right! No one will give a fuck, and in any case, we can curb it later on. Let’s go ahead….!!!!

C’est ne pas …

Posted in Culture, Education, Government, politics, Society with tags , on 02/05/2013 by Living out of Eden













It makes absolutely no sense to say: “America is in America”.


Atheism and Anarchism: ideological cousins?

Posted in Society on 30/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

The Prime Directive

Some people believe that there is a strong connection between atheism and Anarchism, others believe there is no such connection. Certainly it is true that Anarchist thinkers have been strongly unsympathetic to organized religion and tend to be atheists, but the reverse has not been true. Why is that? And what is the connection?

Anarchism is a position about society and undesirable structures within it (that is to say, the belief that hierarchies are unjustified). Atheism, on the other hand, is an ontological position (about the existence of gods). But if you ask atheists why they see the need to label themselves and discuss atheism, they will almost invariably answer you that Christian dogma infiltrating itself in the schools and politics is the main issue. Therefore atheism does reduce itself to a social issue to some extent.

I think the issue that links them both, therefore, is the concept of…

View original post 684 more words


Posted in Behaviour, Culture, Democracy, Government, Philosophy, politics, Religion, self-managed, Society with tags , , on 30/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

Supposedly, most atheist “reject irrational and illogical unworldly thoughts”. Against this, some may say/think: “I dont wanna have just science as a religion…”.

Let me put it the other way round:

We don’t want to have religion as science.

Religion is fine, if you can keep it in its’ place. It’s like sex, when it’s not where it ought to be, it’s everywhere….

What do you think?

Is there any link between atheism and anarchy? Can anyone be one and not the other?

Wouldn’t one be in internal contradiction, being a non-believer, clashing with your believer one?

Like a Rolling Stone

Posted in Crisis, Culture, current events, Democracy, Economy, Ethics, News, politics, Power, Society with tags , , on 29/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

When I started this blog, I never dreamed one day I would post an article from the famous magazine Rolling Stone.

However, today I’m pretty sure the occasion well deserves my making the exception.

I couldn’t care less if anyone thinks I’m doing free advertising to the mag, I don’t give a ….. I never read Rolling Stone either.

The fact is, this popular product of the media, is publicly stating through one of its’ editors, that all the plot is absolutely true, and asking for forgiveness from all so-called “conspiracy theorists”.

Maybe it’s all a smoke screen. Maybe not.

Read the article and have your own opinion.

STOP CONSUMING. Yeah ok, but ….

Posted in Behaviour, Crisis, Economy, Government, Macro-economy, politics, self-managed, Society with tags , , on 27/04/2013 by Living out of Eden


Why austerity cannot be our proposal to “fix” the system?

If we are to take “austerity” into consideration, as a voluntary way of controlling the major corporations’ profits by reducing our spending, we must be aware of a couple of things:

1.- They must have already foreseen a decrease of their sales due to an economic contraction cycle, so they’ve prepared back-up tactics, like spreading their investment mostly in basic goods, or pharma, or increasing the price of utilities, all of which, which have an inelastic demand.

2.- Austerity is exactly the solution “THEY” are applying too.
Sounds a bit strange… doesn’t it?

3.- Extreme austerity, will lead to self-constrain in a way, instead of self-liberation (please don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that self-liberation is obtained by consumerism, but you should be FREE to decide what you do with your low-medium-high income).

4.- By reducing the volume of the market, we will deepen the recession process, by further feeding the vicious circle.

5.- Eventually, they will last longer than you.

So, I don’t see the strategy “squeeze the market”, might be an option.


Posted in Culture, Democracy, Government, politics, Religion, Revolution, self-managed, Society with tags , , , , on 26/04/2013 by Living out of Eden





Exercise for the week-end

Posted in Culture, Government, History, Philosophy, politics, Religion, self-managed, Society with tags , , , on 26/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

The following exercise has two parts. The first one is easy, while the second might take you some more time and thinking.

1.- Mark the box you consider right (True / False), from each of the images below.

2.- Explain what you base your answers on.


Posted in Culture, current events, Democracy, Government, politics, Power, Society, Technology with tags , , , , on 21/04/2013 by Living out of Eden



The entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. The global financial system is insolvent

Posted in Society on 14/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

Applicable terms & conditions

Posted in Behaviour, Crisis, Culture, current events, Democracy, Government, Philosophy, politics, Society with tags , , on 14/04/2013 by Living out of Eden

It’s a fair exchange:
I give you a hard time every time I post, you give me a hard time every time you vote.